Valuable Resources

Medical Definitions

Check out WebMD's stance on marijuana and its uses.


Strain Information

Check out this website for  strains and their cannabinoids.


Custom Pipes

Check out handmade, custom pipes for sale here.


Bruce Linton

Bruce Linton is one very great guy! Check out what he's accomplished in the following video.

The Essentials

Check out this video for more information on medical marijuana. It covers the difference between Medical and Recreational Marijuana, it's complex legality, the definition of "schedule one", and why true information is hard to come by.

How to clean your pipe

This video will show you how to clean a dirty pipe easily.

What is the endocannabinoid system?

This video explains what the endocannabinoid system is and how it works in brief detail.

What is cbd?

This guy explains how CBD works and the wonderful effect that it can have on your life. The best part is? CBD will not leave you feeling "high" or "altered". 

Indica or sativa

Ever wonder the difference between an indica strain and a sativa strand? Now's your chance to find out. 

Product Safety

Lab inspection to ensure safe and quality marjuana.

How to Grow your own Marijuana

If you've ever wanted to grow your own marijuana, check out this hour long video on how to do so!